GAA Baseball follows USSSA rules with our modified rules below.  

USSSA RuleBook

Field Dimensions: 

Age Division        Base Paths            Pitching Distance
       4U                       55’                               NA
       6U                       55’                               NA
       8U                       60’                               NA
      10U                      65’                               46’
      12U                      70’                               50’
      14U                      90’                              60’6”                                                                

Game Length:
 Age Division         Time Limit                            Innings
      4U                    45 minutes                               2
      6U                     1 hour                                      6
      8U                     1 hour 15 minutes                  6
     10U                    1 hour 15 minutes                  6
     12U                    1 hour 30 minutes                  6
     14U                     1 hour 45 minutes                 6

GAA Local Rules: LEAGUE RULE ALL LEAGUES Ride share request will only be honored in 4U only.  This is done in part to ensure fair and balanced teams once participants reach age groups that are chosen by a draft process.   

ALL LEAGUES Bats   Must have the 1.15 BPF USSSA/USA stamp on the taper OR Have the Certified .50 BBCOR stamp (-3) OR Be a Wood Bat Barrel diameter cannot exceed 2 ¾” All must be manufactured by an approved USSSA/USA bat manufacturer.

 ALL LEAGUES No metal cleats in any division (Exceptions are 14U and 16U)   

ALL LEAGUES The entire roster of players present for the game shall bat in rotation in all Divisions   

ALL LEAGUES It is recommended that each player on the team play defensively in at least two innings of each game in all Divisions   

 ALL LEAGUES If an inning has begun more than 5 minutes prior to a time limit expiring, it is played to its natural conclusion.  No new inning will start within 5 minutes prior to the conclusion of the game.  

 ALL LEAGUES If the score is tied at the end of regulation in League play, no extra innings are played.  A tie is a tie.  

 ALL LEAGUES If a game is called due to rain, Weather, light failure or other acts of Nature and cannot be resumed it is a regulation game if: Game is official if three (3) full innings have been played, or if the home team is leading after two and one half (2 ½) innings. Any game that has not reached the required inning length to be an official game, will be rescheduled.

ALL LEAGUES The number of league games played per season will be based upon available dates for the league.   

 ALL LEAGUES Make-up games and Post season tournaments are excluded from the two game limitation (one game for 6U)  

ALL LEAGUES If a coach is ejected from a game, they must sit out the next game and appear before the GAA Executive Board   

ALL LEAGUES All-Star Team coaches are selected by the GAA Executive Board   

ALL LEAGUES A team failing to field at least eight uniformed players within 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time of a game, or at any time during the game, shall forfeit the game. If a team is playing with less than nine, an out is taken at the ninth spot in the batting order.   

 ALL LEAGUES A player must play in the catcher position in the following divisions: 6U modified, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U.   4U Two full innings are played    

4U No score is kept  

 4U No outs are recorded      

4U Last batter of a half inning clears the bases   

4U Parents and coaches are allowed on the field   

4U All players on the roster play defensively each inning    

6U Once play has begun in a game, the game shall be played to a one hour time limit for 6U or regulation length (six innings), whichever comes first, unless the home team is leading and does not need its half of the final inning. Maximum five runs per inning except in the sixth inning, where they may score ten runs. Run rule is 10 runs after 4 innings.   

6U No game shall begin after 8pm local time.  No inning should begin after 9:15 local time 

6U Two adult coaches may be stationed on the playing field, in the outfield grass, to provide verbal instructions to the defensive team.   

6U Each player will receive one warning for throwing the bat.  The second time in a game the batter throws the bat, the batter is out   

6U Defensive position can only be played in two consecutive innings before the player must play somewhere else (FALL Season Only)

6U Outfielders must throw the ball into the infield. An outfielder may not run from the outfield and tag a runner or base to record an out.   

6U If the ball is hit and fielded inside the Pitcher’s Circle, the fielder must throw to a base to record an out, not run down a base runner.   

6U A coach cannot set the tee or physically position the player in the batter’s box   

6U On an overthrow at 1st base, the base runner can only advance one additional base.  A play can be made on that runner advancing to the next base.   

6U The coach will pitch from 1 knee 30 feet from the batter.  If the coach gets hit by a batted ball during the at bat:  1st time is a foul ball, 2nd time is an out.   

6U The batter will receive a maximum of 4 pitches from the coach. There are no continuous fouls.  If no ball is put in play, the batter will receive 1 swing off of the tee. If on that swing, the ball is not put in play, the batter is out.   

6U The batter and all runners on base may only advance one base if the ball is hit from the tee. Runners may not advance on an overthrow if the ball is hit from the tee.   

8U Ten players shall be used defensively. The four outfielders must be positioned 15 feet behind the baselines when the pitching motion is made.   

8U The player fielding the pitcher’s position shall take position always to the rear of the pitching plate, and on the left or right side of the coach-pitcher with one foot in the Pitcher’s Circle when the pitch is made.   

8U Once play has begun, the game shall be played to a one hour and fifteen minute time limit or regulation length (six innings), whichever comes first, or five and a fraction if the home team is leading.  Maximum five runs per inning except in the sixth inning, where they may score ten runs.  Run rule is 15 runs after 3 innings, 8 runs after 4 innings.   

8U No game shall begin after 8pm local time.  No inning should begin after 9:15 local time   

10U Free substitution on defense, excluding the pitching position.  Once removed, a player may not return to the pitching position.   

10U *Runners may lead off and steal bases.  This change has been made starting with the Spring 2022 Season.*   

10U Once play has begun, the game shall be played to a one hour and fifteen minute time limit or regulation length (six innings), whichever comes first, or five and a fraction if the home team is leading.  Maximum five runs per inning except in the sixth inning, where they may score ten runs.  Run rule is 15 runs after 3 innings, 8 runs after 4 innings.   

12U Free substitution on defense, excluding the pitching position.  Once removed, a player may not return to the pitching position.  

12U Once play has begun, the game shall be played to a one hour and thirty minute time limit or regulation length (six innings), whichever comes first, or five and a fraction if the home team is leading.  Maximum seven runs per inning except in the sixth inning, where they may score ten runs.  Run rule is 15 after 3 innings, 12 after 4 innings, 8 after 5 innings.

14U Free substitution on defense, excluding the pitching position.  Once removed, a player may not return to the pitching position. 

14U Once play has begun, the game shall be played to a one hour and forty-five minute time limit or regulation length (seven innings), whichever comes first, or six and a fraction if the home team is leading. Maximum seven runs per inning except in the sixth inning, where they may score ten runs.  Run rule is 15 after 3 innings, 12 after 4 innings, 8 after 5 innings.